February 11, 2010

Mind-Blogging. Again.

I have been thinking about a lot of things to write about, lately. Sad thing is, I haven't really wanted to just sit down and put all my thoughts into type. Just call it laziness. These are some things I've been thinking about (Sorry, no photos this time around)...

  • In a few days, it will be 7 years from the first time I "met" Brett. I use the term "met" loosely because, in all honesty, we first corresponded online. But it was just a freak thing. We weren't online looking for a significant other. We just happened to be chatting on MSN Messenger with the same mutual friend, got in on a combined/3-way conversation, and the rest is history.
  • The Winter Olympics start tomorrow. I know many people think that the winter version is less fun than the summer version, but I love them equally. I think it all stems from being a Utah girl and getting to experience the 2002 games in Salt Lake City. Man, that was quite the experience and I will never forget it. (I wish all of my photos of that weren't lost at my parents' home somewhere.)
  • I really want to change up every look in every room of my house. There is really no sense of style anywhere. I attribute that to having moved so many times and never really getting to make a place my own, but I think part of it comes from not really having my own sense of style. I mean, I can't really deny the fact that it's the furniture that makes the room, not necessarily the room itself. I'm learning more and more about the things I like and don't like, and I really want to start acting on my ideas. We have a lot of hand-me-down furniture that I would love to somehow make my own, or get rid of altogether. Hopefully I will get to in my next place. Right now definitely isn't the time to start changing, but I'm trying to put together ideas for our impending move up north ('cause we know for a fact that we'll be there a while).
  • Never tile an ENTIRE home. I thought that our landlords did it to this house because of the possible flooding reasons, but I have come to realize that they did it out of laziness. I think it was the cheapest option (there are broken tiles in several of the rooms), and then they also won't have to pay for carpet cleaning with each new tenant. We can't afford to put rugs in every room, especially the large sizes that we would need, so the house is cold and loud. Don't forget the fact that the floor always seems dirty, no matter how often I sweep and mop; and I always fear for by boys' lives every time they get the least bit rambunctious. Tile is not kind when you fall down on it, as they have learned many times already. If we knew in November what we know now, we probably would have looked elsewhere for a place. Tile sucks!
Those are my thoughts on this Thursday morning/afternoon. (Thursday thoughts are becoming a trend 'round here.) I'm sure you're grateful I grouped all of these potential "posts" in one big one instead of giving each of them their own individual entry. You're welcome!

6 Happy Thoughts:

Cristian Valerio said...

Hey Friend,
Just thought I'd let you know that Overstock.com has GREAT prices on huge rugs. I've purchased several from there since we moved in December. We have wood floors throughout...not bad like tile, but every room still needs a rug. Good luck!

Cristian Valerio said...

P.S. This is Tenecia...don't know how I didn't realize I was logged into my work email.....

Kristie said...

I have been wanting to change my house too. We have been here for 3 years and I still have done nothing with our bedroom because I'm not sure what I want to do and I don't have bedroom furniture and I want to wait until I get that so that I can match things with it. The only room that seems to be making any progress is Mason's room and yet it's still not done. I'm the same way I'm not really sure what my since of style is. Maybe some day I'll find it.

Just Lisa said...

I love the story of how you met your Sweetie! It's so great how fate works!

I came by to welcome you to SITS! We're happy to have you with us!

Carma Sez said...

Yeah, tile throughout would not be appealing :-( I love the winter olympics better than the summer ones. I think you get to see more of the personalities of the competitors - either that or I just like the winter sports better...

Welcome to SITS!! I know that you will enjoy being a part of this vibrant community of bloggers..


I wonder what your landlord would think if you emailed him/her with a photo of your boys with kneepads on inside the house?! Ugh. I'd be frustrated too.

p.s. Welcome to the SITS community - we're super glad to have you as a new SITSta!