February 16, 2010

My "Love Affair"

It's true. I have a love affair with clothes, shoes, and anything fashion, really. But sadly, that's all it is - a love affair. I pine and drool over high-fashion gorgeousness, always wishing I could somehow bring it into my life, but then I have a reality check and stay with my more practical, conservative day-to-day items. I am resigned to the fact that high heels and sequins just don't have a place when it comes to doing dishes and chasing two small boys around day in, and day out. Even when I do leave the house - which usually involves going to a place like Walmart - it seems to require little more than jeans and sensible shoes.

Here are some things that I would love to have an excuse to wear...

Photos courtesy of Gilt.com or bluefly.com

3 Happy Thoughts:

Paige Hanna said...

i like all those clothes, but you and I don't share the same loves for clothes and shoes. Occasionally I'll see something I have to have, but that is rare. Shoe shopping gives me anxiety. If I find shoes I like, I get a pair in every color, haha, i'm definitely not Jeri's child. When you live here we can go shopping in NYC and maybe you can help me.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE shoes!! That first pair...oh me oh my. And that last pair...I will have them. I must! I tried on a pair the first week I was off of work. I was sooo close to giving in...then I remembered I no longer had a job. :( I sooo miss shoe shopping!!

Kristie said...

I want to come shopping in NYC. :) Now that would be fun. I feel the same way about shopping. when I worked we had to dress up so I felt like I could buy nice cute stylish clothes but now I think where would I wear it to. I like the clothes and shoes you posted.