I get the itch to start new projects - sometimes major, sometimes minor - just something to get me out of the rut of winter nothingness. I'm sure you know the feeling. Usually it's associated with that same "Spring Cleaning" urge. I've created other project lists before, but it's been so long since my last one, I can't remember what I wanted to do or if I even accomplished any of them. I'm going to start anew by creating a list that will hopefully make these next couple of months move along quicker. Here's what I'm thinking...

Create a chore chart for Brady. He's turning 4 on Saturday, so I think that marks a good time to get him into the habit of doing "big boy" things (a.k.a. cleaning up after himself). Hey, I've already got the supplies!
Make a quiet book for the boys. I was going to do it for Christmas, but I never got around to it. Maybe the upcoming move and need for car-friendly entertainment can motivate me to do it this time around.

Go through my closet and de-junk. I have a lot of clothes and shoes that I don't wear. I don't know why I'm hanging onto them. A lot of items are things like "why did I even get that in the first place," or things that just don't fit anymore. I don't want to drag them on yet another move. (This is only half of the mess. The rest is in a laundry basket on my bedroom floor. Yikes.)

Organize the boxes and boxes of baby clothes. When the movers pack us up at moving time, I want to be able to just keep the baby clothes boxed up at the next place. No more having to dig through different boxes trying figure out what Eli can fit into next.

Go through Brett's closet and get rid of things he hasn't worn in ages. He hangs onto things forever in hopes that he'll get around to wearing them, buthe never actually does. Maybe if he sees his wardrobe dwindling, he'll want to get some new things. Maybe I can talk him into letting me get some new stuff for myself, as well. :-)
That seems like a good start for now. Having these projects in writing will not only help me remember what I want to get done, but will also help motivate me to complete them. That, and I just like lists. But that's a topic for another time.
Bring on Spring!
3 Happy Thoughts:
wow! nice job on all the projects...well...at least on having them set as projects to do. good luck! i need to do a lot of these cleaning-out-type projects, too. as you can see by my new profile pic, i'm not feeling like my home is a temple at the moment...
Um... Feel free to pass along any cute throw-outs to your dear littlest sister back at home. just sayin..
I have been the exact same way! I want to buy Martha Stewarts newest sewing book and start a bunch of projects - forget the ones I started last spring and never finished. Thanks for helping me clean my closet out already!
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