May 6, 2010


Here I am, again... Trying to look at the positive... Hopefully in a few days I will be able to give you the skinny on what's going on, but right now, it's not my story to tell. I must keep things to myself for a bit, mostly because I'm still hoping that the situation might change.


With our move fast approaching, I've been taking every moment I can to enjoy our backyard. I highly doubt we will have anything so nice in our next location. With the weather being so great lately, too, it's been hard not to want to be outside anyway. As soon as I walk out the sliding glass doors, I've been noticing a heavenly scent coming from the general direction of our grape vines. We have honeysuckle bushes growing among the vines and they make the whole backyard smell so good! I've never smelled the real thing before, but their scent is surprisingly familiar. I'm pretty sure I know why...

When I turned 16, I remember my parents taking me to downtown Salt Lake, just the three of us. We celebrated my birthday by going to dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, roaming the adjacent Trolley Square Mall, and then staying the night at the Marriott up on the hill near the University of Utah. While roaming the mall, I got to do a little birthday shopping. It was my goal to get some of the Victoria's Secret lotions that seemed to be so trendy at that time. It seemed like every girl I knew was absolutely in love with the Pear-scented lotion, and try as I might, I always thought it was awful. So, instead of being trendy, but still trying to be cool, I got three other lotions - my favorite being the "Honeysuckle."

Now that I have the real things in my yard, it makes me wish VS still made that lotion. I forgot how good it smelled!

1 Happy Thoughts:

Paige Hanna said...

I got the Pear lotion, and the thought of it still makes me gag. I smelled waaaay too much of that. Don't mom and dad have honey suckles in their front yard? I wish those pictures were scratch 'n sniff so I could know what they smell like!