July 29, 2009

Knew it would be put to use, someday...

I had a moment of brilliance today when I realized I had something lurking in the closet, just begging to be used. Before I explain further, let me tell you that I've been trying to wean my 3-year-old off of TV and computer. He uses those things waaaaay too much. I blame myself and my need for peace.


When I realized I had a whole treasure chest of things to entertain him hiding in the closet, I ran upstairs, grabbed the box of goodies, and unloaded them on my unsuspecting Brady.

I made these files in my Child Development class in junior high. Junior high, people! That's, like, 12+ years ago! Can you believe it?! They've followed me through many a life experience, many a move, hoping to be put to use one day. I put so much work into these files, I haven't been able to part with them. Amazingly enough, they fulfilled their destiny this very morning. Brady was thrilled!

With this game, Brady matches the front of the animal to the back.

Matching lower-case letters to upper-case.

So many things... I don't remember what all they're about.

This will definitely come in handy.

Man, my penmanship was horrible in junior high.

2 Happy Thoughts:

Jeni Allen said...

You are so awesome! I had a lot of those file folders that I never colored or laminated. Totally cool! We did some for the denver homeless shelter this year at camp. The girls loved it!

Uptown Girl said...

wow Amber that is so creative. I can't believe you kept that stuff long enough to be able to use it- nice work!