July 14, 2009


In the recent post "Things I Dislike," there was a comment made that deserves a retraction. In light of recent events, namely a road trip to Utah involving "Michael Jackson's Greatest Hits," I do not hate, nor do I even dislike Michael Jackson. I'm sure he is a product of his upbringing, as sad as that may be, but there's no denying that his music was awesome. I want to go on the record as saying that I like Michael Jackson's music. He is one of the most talented artists ever. Thank you.

2 Happy Thoughts:

Paige Hanna said...

Haha, good job Brett and Dave for making her see the light. Johnny has been teaching me his dance moves so we were rocking out while we cleaned the kitchen last night. Come out and visit and I'll show you what I know. I bet that makes you want to come out even more, right? By the way, I had a dream about us challenging each other to a mini Wipeout on a kids playground that happened to be in water. Can't remember who won though....

Alice said...

I feel better about our new friendship. PYT is my jam. :o)