1. George Eads. Yes, he showed up in yesterday's post, but he always deserves as much recognition as possible. If you watch CSI, you know who he is. If not, you're missing out! If I weren't married, and didn't have a life, I would stalk him. Either that, or just have a closeted obsession. True story.
2. Lacrosse. If you haven't played it, you just don't understand. It's the best sport ever! I only got to play for three years out of my life, but those years forever changed me. I miss the sport every day.

(This is an actual photo of my team that I happened to find on my old coach's blog. How cool is that?!)
3. America's Next Top Model. I don't really have an explanation. I can't stand Tyra Banks, but somehow, she sucks me in every season. I've even been known to watch the ANTM marathons, even if I've aready seen the episodes. Twice. It's an addiction. I can't stop!
4. Laundry. I really enjoy doing laundry, for the most part. I think it has something to do with the smells of the detergents and fabric softeners. I could breath in those smells all day long! It's too bad that the laundry eventually ends and I have to put it away. That's the part I hate.
(I know I considered laundry a "bane of my existence" in a previous post, but I've come to realize that I like doing laundry if I'm able to keep up on it. It becomes a "bane" when there's no end in sight...)
5. Playing games. Board games, card games, yard games - I enjoy them all. I've learned to love them because of my hubby's family. They play games EVERY Saturday night and I grew to enjoy it. Because we only see them once in a while, we rarely get to take part in the fun. I wish I had more opportunities to play.
6. Keeping up on beauty tips. I love to find new ways to improve my make-up/skin care routines.
7. Gory surgery shows. They fascinate me. I sometimes wish they'd show more than they do. I was really bummed with "Dr. G: Medical Examiner" for not showing the actual autopsies. How cool would that be?!
4 Happy Thoughts:
Which coach's blog did you get that from?! I have to say, you and I don't have much in common for being sisters. But then again, you always did like the brown hair, brown eyed guys and I went for blond hair blue eyes...so why did you marry the blond and I got the brunette? I love lacrosse and board games, we got that, and I love beauty tips but have been avoiding them since they make me feel ugly (its five and I'm still in pj's with mascara under my eyes). Anywhoo, you didn't put that you love the food network. Isn't that a major love?
We're gonna be best friends...cause um I have LOTS of laundry for you to do!! :o)
I LOVE board games... and as promised George Eads is on my blog today in all his hotness! enjoy!
Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog...I know ANT kinda sucks...Tyra is annoying...but I watch it nevertheless.
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