October 25, 2009

A Bit Absent...

As I'm sure all three of you have noticed, I haven't been blogging much, lately. The whole process of getting the heck outta dodge has been a bit overwhelming. It just hit me tonight that I'm really leaving. I have a week and a half to finalize everything, say goodbye to the good friends we have made here in Colorado, and hope for the best as we move onward. I'm sure you're sick of hearing my "boo hooing" over this subject. On a lighter note, here are a few things I am happy about right now...

1) Brett and I got to have a few days to ourselves this weekend while my wonderful sis-in-law watched our boys. It has been a very productive weekend and we enjoyed spending time together as a couple. It will be a while before we'll get a chance to do any kind of date night again in the near future, so a "date weekend"/move preparation was just what we needed.

My main man, whom I love so much!

2) I found out last night that my sis, her hubby, and their two sweet boys are coming to see us for Thanksgiving! It's so incredibly generous of them to make the long trek from Pennsylvania to Florida to come see us. I can't tell you how excited I am!

Our soon-to-be visitors!

3) I got some new nail polishes last night. They're a bit of a weakness of mine. I love getting new colors, especially OPI colors. I let Brett pick out one for me, and I have to say, the one he chose is my new favorite. Ahhh, the simple pleasures in life, eh?

Brett's pick (that I'm wearing right now) - 'We'll Always Have Paris' Suede

My pick - 'Midnight in Moscow'

4) I'm currently eating one of my most favorite indulgences - caramel-chocolate-nut-covered apples. They are the best! And healthy! (The apple makes it healthy, right?)

I hope you're all having a splendid weekend and doing something that makes you happy!

3 Happy Thoughts:

Paige Hanna said...

I'm so excited for you to move! It's one step closer to us in the east! I'm also SO excited for Thanksgiving. I hope mom will forgive me for choosing you over her, but I haven't held Eli since June and that takes precedence I think. I love carmel apples in the fall, they are joy.

Paige Hanna said...

Oh, and I LOVE OPI fingernail polish, even though I don't own any. Someday I'll bring myself to spend $8 on fingernail polish, but I haven't given in yet.

Kristie said...

That will be so fun to have Thanksgiving with Paige and her family. You guys will have to let me know how the Turkey comes out. Have you ever cooked one on your own?