March 6, 2010

Much Better, Thanks

Thanks to everyone's words of encouragement over my last post. I realize I was probably blowing things out of proportion a bit, but don't we tend to do that when our mood is bleak anyway? I'm very excited to be going on a "date night" with Brett this evening. It's been four months since our last opportunity, and it's just what the doctor ordered!

Brett - my "light" - at the end of the tunnel.

4:30 certainly can't come soon enough!

3 Happy Thoughts:

Erica said...

Yay for date nights!! Glad you are feeling better.

Erin said...

I've been feeling "off" a lot lately, too. Maybe we are all ready for spring. Then again, I doubt your weather has been as nasty as ours!

Paige Hanna said...

Um hello? I'd say its kinda time for a new post...