August 17, 2010

Home Again

I arrived back in Maryland late, late last night.

Today has been a day to regroup, replenish, and restock. After having been gone for three weeks, there wasn't much in the fridge that was still edible.

I had a wonderful time in Utah, and I can't wait to start posting about the things we did. There were restaurants, amusement parks, swimming pools, and family get-togethers. Oh, and my first-ever photo shoot. I'm still in the process of going through all of the pictures of said adventures, so as soon as I can unpack not only my suitcases, but my brain as well, I'll have lots to talk about!

See you on the flip side!

1 Happy Thoughts:

Kevan J Allbee said...

Brett looks funnier from the other side, don't you think.

Thanks for the music all afternoon.
I miss you all so much!
