Truth be told, this is a pretty boring post. Today was another easy organization task which I attribute it to my nifty spice rack and my lazy-susan. They are both fairly simple and straightforward, so they never really get disorganized.


All I really did here was put all of the extracts and sprinkles in container, and put everything back on the lazy-susan that had migrated to other parts of the shelf.

All I did here was straighten the jars, and face all of their labels forward.
Yet one more chore to check off of the list!


All I really did here was put all of the extracts and sprinkles in container, and put everything back on the lazy-susan that had migrated to other parts of the shelf.

All I did here was straighten the jars, and face all of their labels forward.
Yet one more chore to check off of the list!
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