February 4, 2011

Kindle Cover


My husband got me a Kindle and it finally arrived yesterday. I think he was getting tired of me always needing a new book because I go through them so quickly, or maybe it's because he just likes to do nice things for me, especially if it involves electronics. I think he was just as excited as I was to get his hands on it, though.



This morning, I decided it needed a case. I didn't want to spend a lot of money, if any at all. I then realized that I have a couple of bags-worth of scrap fabric laying around, and I was sure I could fashion a Kindle cover out of something I had in there. I set to work, and I'm pretty pleased with what I came up with.


It's by no means perfect (thus the reason the pictures aren't super detailed), but it will do the job quite nicely. I'm sure I could have found some sort of tutorial online that would have helped me end up with a nicer product, but it was fun to just come up with something from my own creativity.



If you will please excuse me, I need to put Boy #2 down for a nap so I can go enjoy my new Kindle. :-)

3 Happy Thoughts:

Anna said...

Ohhhhh....I want one!!! Very very pretty.

Erin said...

I just bought a kindle for Abe's birthday last week and he's been really liking it. I told him I would have to make him a case, too. Yours looks great. Would love some tips.

Alicia said...

I got a kindle for my birthday in December. Love it!! I use it everyday. Your cover is so darling. You're so talented!