October 5, 2010

Lost the will to blog...

This may border on the over-dramatic, but it's been tough nonetheless...

Last week, my external hard drive decided to stop working (probably due to the fact that my 2-year-old knocked it off of the kitchen table). The hard drive housed ALLLLLL of my photos from the beginning of time (as my husband put it), or rather, the beginning of our marriage. It was pretty heartbreaking. Thankfully, I somehow had the inspiration to copy the majority of my original photos to Flickr the week before, starting with the photos from 2003 and making it to May 2009 before the hard drive crashed. I basically lost the majority of my photos from June 2009 to June 2010. My husband was able to salvage any edited photos from the last year, but I still lost hundreds, plus quite a few videos of my kiddos. It's just been hard thinking about all the things that happened in the last year, and having lost some of the physical evidence of what occurred.

I haven't felt like blogging because every time I think about adding photos to my posts, it reminds me of what I lost.

I guess in retrospect, I still have the most important photos, and it could have been worse - I could have lost EVERYTHING. I'm now trying to backup what I can and move on.

I'll try to get some new posts up soon!

4 Happy Thoughts:

Kristie said...

I'm so sorry. I lost some picture of Mason and even though it was from just one event I was so mad. So I can only image what you are feeling. That is one of things I always think about because I put all of our pictures on the computer as well. I think I'll do some backing up as well and even go print some for once in my life.

Uptown Girl said...

Amber, that is very sad!! I don't think you're being over-dramatic. Your drama level is just right.
Time to take more pics!

Paige Hanna said...

Want me to look through everything I have from last June to now of your boys and send them? I feel for you, my photos are basically my journal of whats happened since Johnny and I got married!

MarMACK said...

Awwww so sorry! That's one of my worst nightmares. I lost almost all of my own childhood photos during the last move my mother and I made when I was a teenager. I still haven't gotten over it. So for my own now with my hubby and kids, I pray for safe keeping in my little hard drive (which is now full to the max). Have you thought about taking the hard drive to a specialist who can recover the files it had? Kind of pricey but it may be worth a try.

Btw, great site... found you through PW on her "Ten important things I've learned about blogging" post. Keep up the good work. I'm working on mine too. PW is definitely a great inspiration.