September 9, 2010


The other night, I was feeling a little down-in-the-dumps about my lack of hair and how bad my skin has been lately. {Just typing that out makes me feel silly.} I was thinking to myself, "If I can't be blessed with hair, couldn't I have at least been blessed with good skin?!"
And right then, I reprimanded myself.

I then told myself, "Self, how could you be so ungrateful?!"

As I began to think more and more about that, I thought about how blessed I really am.

I have legs that can run...

I have arms that can hold my boys...

I have hands that can work...

I have eyes that can watch a beautiful sunset...

I have ears that can hear my boys' sweet giggles...

I have the potential to learn...

I have the potential to do anything I want to do...

I have people that love me...

I am blessed.

Who needs good skin/hair, anyway?

1 Happy Thoughts:

Perla said...

thanks for the good reminder. i have that thought about my skin a lot. i've got pretty bad eczema and rosacea on my face. i've thought many times, "can't i at least have smooth skin???" but i, too, know that i'm ungrateful to think like that. good reminder!